
Are youth being corrupted by the media?

The young impressionable minds of youth today are given unprecedented  access to countless media outlets and sources. In days of old, if a parent didn’t want their children to watch something, they would just not allow them to watch the one channel or two. With the internet and the resources it affords, there are millions of different ways young people can consume media. More and more research being done is validating the fears people have held about the malleable minds of children and how it relates to television watching. In a journal entitled “Children and Electronic Media” by the Future of Children collaboration, they discuss two studies that show  “children who watched a great deal of fantasy violence were more likely than light viewers to perceive justified violence as morally acceptable”(Wilson). And while they admit that there can always be confounding variables, the results seem to confirm that media children consume can normalize violent behaviors and make it less morally reprehensible.  



How do we protect our children but not shelter them? Is the media responsible?